Publications 2013

  • Xinjian Li, Tian Ran, Ngan L.T. Nguyen, Yusuke Miyao, Akiko Aizawa: “Question Answering System for Entrance Exams in QA4MRE.” Proceedings of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2013), Valencia, Spain, September 2013. [link]
  • Pascual Martinez-Gomez, Akiko Aizawa: “Diagnosing Causes of Reading Difficulty using Bayesian Networks.” The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2013), Nagoya, Japan, October 2013. [link]
  • Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Goran Topic, Akiko Aizawa:”Sense disambiguation: from natural language words to mathematical terms.” The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2013), Nagoya, Japan, October 2013. [link]
  • Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Akiko Aizawa: “Using MathML Parallel Markup Corpora for Semantic Enrichment of Mathematical Expressions.” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E96-D (8), 1707-1715. Aug. 2013. [link]
  • Akiko Aizawa, Michael Kohlhase, Iadh Ounis: “NTCIR-10 Math Pilot Task Overview.” Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference, Tokyo, June 2013. [link]
  • Goran Topić, Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Akiko Aizawa: “The MCAT Math Retrieval System for NTCIR-10 Math Track.” Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference, Tokyo, June 2013. [link]
  • Pontus Stenetorp, Wiktoria Golik, Thierry Hamon, Donald C. Comeau, Rezarta Islamaj Doğan, Haibin Liu, W. John Wilbur: “BioNLP Shared Task 2013: Supporting Resources.” In Proceedings of the BioNLP 2013 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013. [link]
  • Tadayoshi Hara, Chen Chen, Yoshinobu Kano, Akiko Aizawa: “Modeling Comma Placement in Chinese Text for Better Readability using Linguistic Features and Gaze Information.” In the Second Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations (PITR 2013), Sofia, Bulgaria, August, 2013. [link]
  • Yuka Tateisi, Yo Shidahara, Yusuke Miyao, Akiko Aizawa: “Relation Annotation for Understanding Research Papers.” In the 7th Linguistic Annotation Workshop & Interoperability with Discourse, ACL Workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, August, 2013. [link]
  • Shunsuke Ohashi, Tadayoshi Hara, Akiko Aizawa: “A machine learning-based approach to missing preposition detection.” The 27th Annual Conference of the japanese Society for Artifical Intelligence, Toyama, June 2013. [link]
  • Akiko Aizawa, Takeshi Sagara, Panot Chaimongkol: “Technical Term Identification for Semantic Analysis of Scientific Papers.” The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artifical Intelligence, Toyama, June 2013. [link]
  • Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Goran Topic, Akiko Aizawa: “A Hybrid Approach for Semantic Enrichment of MathML Mathematical Expressions.” The Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2013), Bath, UK, July 2013. [link]
  • Pascual Martinez-Gomez, Akiko Aizawa: “Eye-data to Validate Readability Models for Diagnosis” The 17th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013), Lund, Sweden, August 2013.
  • Panot Chaimongkol, Akiko Aizawa: “Utilizing LDA Clustering for Technical Term Extraction.” 言語処理学会第19回年次大会, 名古屋 (2013.03) [link]
  • Pontus Stenetorp, Sampo Pyysalo, Sophia Ananiadou, Jun’ichi Tsujii: “Generalising Semantic Category Disambiguation with Large Lexical Resources for Fun and Profit.” Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 2013. BioMed Central. [link]
  • Akihiro Kameda, Kiyoko Uchiyama, Hideaki Takeda, Akiko Aizawa: “Extraction of Semantic Relationships from Academic Papers using Syntactic Patterns.” In the Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2013) Nice, France, February, 2013. (Best Paper Award) [link]
  • Yoshinari Fujinuma, Hikaru Yokono, Pascual Martinez-Gomez and Akiko Aizawa: “Recognizing Variations of Japanese “Good Morning” Phrases in Twitter”. Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(NLC)(2013.01) [link]