On March 23, Kenichi Iwatsuki earned Master of Science in Information Science and Technology, from the University of Tokyo.
On March 22, Yuya Suguki earned Bachelor of Science, from the University of Tokyo.
2018.03.09 Talk by Dr. Chistopher Lofi
Dr. Chistopher Lofi at Delft University of Technology visited our lab and gave a seminar talk on March 9, 2018.
2017.08.08 New Lab Member
New members will join our lab: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp (Junior Professor, Konstanz University), Felix Hamborg (PhD student, Konstanz University), Michael Kramer (DAAD student from Konstanz University), Jochen Krattenmacher (DAAD student from Konstanz University), and Dr. Moritz Schubotz (DAAD PostDoc Researcher, Konstanz University).
2017.06.16 New Lab Member
A new member will join our lab: Fabian Richter (DAAD student from the University of Osnabrück).
2017.06.14 Research Stays from Other Laboratories
We are pleased to announce that the following researchers will stay at our laboratory for two months: Prof. Joeran Beel (Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin, MOU Grant), Siddharth Dinesh (internship student from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science), and Andrew Collins (internship student from Trinity College Dublin).
2017.04.14 New Lab Member
New members joined our lab: Kazutoshi Shinoda (Master’s student), Fink Tobias (Exchange student from TU Wien), and Darjush Siahdohoni (Exchange student from TU Darmstadt).
2017.03.25 Conferment of Degrees
On March 23, the following students earned degrees from the University
of Tokyo: Giovanni Yoko Kristianto (PhD),
Hayato Hashimoto (MSc), Yusuke Kido (MSc), and Saku Sugawara (MSc).
On March 18, Akira Moroo, a research visiting student from the
Hamamoto Lab. at the Tokyo University of Science (TUS), earned a
degree from TUS (BEng).
2017.03.24 New Lab Member
New members joined our lab: Malte Schwarzer (Internship student from TU Berlin) and Jagrut Kosti (Internship student from Konstanz University).
2017.03.10 Seminar talk by Jiaxin Mao
A seminar was given by Jiaxin Mao, a PhD candidate at Tsinghua University and a visiting student at the Kando Laboratory of NII, under the title “When does relevance mean usefulness and user satisfaction in Web search?”
2017.03.10 New Lab Member
A new member joined our lab: Nhi Thi-Thao Tran (internship student from University of Science, Vietnam National University).