New members joined our Lab: Jacqueline Hofmann (Internship student from University of Konstanz), and Thomas Perianin (Internship student from Pierre and Marie Curie University).
2015.12.15 (2015.12.15) New Lab Member
A new member joined our Lab: Rawinan Praditsangthong (Internship student from Chulalongkorn University).
2015.12.01 (2015.11.30) 3rd TTTPR meeting was held
Third TTTPR Meeting (Tokyo Translation and Translation Process Research Meeting) was held at the University of Tokyo on November 30, 2015.
2015.11.11 (2015.11.11) Seminar talk by Prof. Ken Sato (NII)
An introductory seminar on law informatics was given by Prof. Ken Sato (NII).
2015.11.01 (2015.11.1) PACLIC 2015
Yoshinari Fujinuma, a former master student, presented a research paper at PACLIC 2015.
Yoshinari Fujinuma, Hikaru Yokono, Pascual Martínez-Gómez, Akiko Aizawa: “Distant-supervised Language Model for Detecting Emotional Upsurge on Twitter.” The 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 29), Shanghai, China, Oct – Nov, 2015.
2015.10.19 (2015.10.19) New Lab Member
A new member joined our Lab: Ritesh Mahendra Shah (Internship student from Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1)).
2015.10.01 (2015.10.1) New Lab Members
New members joined our Lab: Hajime Senuma (D1), Reiya Hanai (B4), and Mikko-Pekka Aleksanteri Hirvola (Exchange student from Finland Aalto University).
2015.09.25 (2015.9.25) Invited talk by Dr. Komachi (TMU)
Dr. Mamoru Komachi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) visited NII and gave a talk titled “Second Language Learning Support using Web Mining.”
2015.09.20 (2015. 9. 15) 2nd TTTPR meeting was held
Second TTTPR Meeting (Tokyo Translation and Translation Process Research Meeting) was held at NII on September 15, 2015. Also, a summary of the first meeting is introduced in JTF Journal event report (for the article, click here).
2015.09.09 (2015.9.9) DocEng 2015
Yusuke Kido, a first year master’s student, presented a research paper at DocEng 2015.
Yusuke Kido, Hikaru Yokono, Goran Topić, Akiko Aizawa: “Document Layout Optimization with Automated Paraphrasing.” The 15th ACM SIGWEB International Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng2015), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2015.